Friday, September 7, 2012

Last full day in Ethiopia

You may notice that several of these posts are "posted" on the same day.  That's because I am finally sitting down with my notes and putting the pen to the paper.  It's exponentially more difficult than I ever imagined to put the trip into words and expect anyone to understand.  Sometimes, the things God teaches you are in your heart, yet very difficult to express to others. 

We started the day painting the Man Up boys dorm.  It's now called the Man Up cave rather than the boys' shelter.  The boys worked right along side us and it was a great partnership.  I feel blessed to have been able to help make their space a little more "theirs."  Working along side these boys was also a great time to fellowship, joke, and become connected with them. 

After painting, we were able to participate in another Bible study lead by Roger.  As I leaned back in one of the bunks and listened, I couldn't help but notice how intently the boys were listening to every word.  They were like sponges for the Word.  It's like I could see the Word going right from their ears to their hearts.  God is definitely using these boys to teach me something! 

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to our new friends in Korah.  While the physical parting isn't easy, there is a comfort in knowing that the connection is through Jesus and that we are truly brothers. 

Our afternoon was spent at an orphanage about an hour outside of Addis.  Definitely more rural.  This orphanage is home to about 50 children ages 7-18.  It was rainy, but that didn't put a damper on our soccer in the mud!  We even threw an American football around.  Here, I connected with a beautiful little girl.  Both her and her older brother live here at Hope for the Hopeless. 

She has a smile that could only have been made by God, and eyes that melt your heart.  We had trouble communicating with words, but somehow connected, and she never left my side the entire time I was there.  She gave me a coloring she had made as a parting gift.  She and some of the girls she shares a room with (second door on the right in the picture above) sang us a few songs.  I'll never forget the lyrics they sang, "Thank you, thank you Jesus, thank you, thank you Jesus, thank you, thank you Jesus from my heart."  More tears, and I'm beginning to learn that God is breaking my heart for what breaks His.  As you can imagine, it was again difficult to leave.  As we prepared to leave, we prayed together as a group over the children and the orphanage staff.  I am still praying for them.   

Our day ended with a meal at a traditional Ethiopian restaurant.  I think I liked Ethiopian food, but I was so tired that I'm not sure my taste buds were fully functional.

It was another beautiful day in God's Africa!

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